Horus is a little startup who has created a device that help the blind and the partially-sighted people to be indipendent.
This device is composed by a visual sensor, that you can put on the glass, and by a pocket battery.
The sensor analyzes, comprehends and describes (through a little speaker on the device) the space around it, helping the people in the routinary action like walking, read the traffic signs or recognize the products in the supermarket.
The idea was by Saverio Murgia and his colleague Luca Nardelli, two students of the advanced robotics course at the University of Genova.
Their opening project was to create a visual tool for the robots but then, they had trasformed it into a device who help the blind and partially sighted people in ordinary life.
The first prototype of the device only allowed to read texts, but now it can recognize the objects, the pedestrian crossing and the people.
Benedetta Magri, gratuaded in economics, joined the team to help them to analyze the market and to reduce the costs.
They showed the project in many international contests on new technologies and they won the first price in most of them.
The founds obtained from the contests were invested in the upgrade of the device.
Although the product isn't ultimated, the creators are thinking to launch it on the market in 2016.
Horus può essere considerabile la prima tecnologia che fa miracoli, letteralmente. La piccola startup ha dato ai non vedenti e agli ipovedenti la possibilità di essere autonomi.
This device is composed by a visual sensor, that you can put on the glass, and by a pocket battery.
The sensor analyzes, comprehends and describes (through a little speaker on the device) the space around it, helping the people in the routinary action like walking, read the traffic signs or recognize the products in the supermarket.
The idea was by Saverio Murgia and his colleague Luca Nardelli, two students of the advanced robotics course at the University of Genova.
Their opening project was to create a visual tool for the robots but then, they had trasformed it into a device who help the blind and partially sighted people in ordinary life.
The first prototype of the device only allowed to read texts, but now it can recognize the objects, the pedestrian crossing and the people.
Benedetta Magri, gratuaded in economics, joined the team to help them to analyze the market and to reduce the costs.
They showed the project in many international contests on new technologies and they won the first price in most of them.
The founds obtained from the contests were invested in the upgrade of the device.
Although the product isn't ultimated, the creators are thinking to launch it on the market in 2016.
Tutto nasce da un dispositivo composto da un sensore visivo agganciabile su qualsiasi montatura di occhiali e da una batteria tascabile.
Il sensore analizzando la realtà che lo circonda, la comprende e la descrive alla persona che lo usa tramite una piccolo altoparlante montato sul dispositivo, aiutandola nelle azioni quotidiane come passeggiare, leggere i cartelli stradali o riconoscere un prodotto al supermercato.
L'idea è stata di Saverio Murgia e del suo collega Luca Nardelli, entrambi studenti di robotica avanzata All'università di Genova.
Il loro progetto iniziale era quello di creare strumenti visivi per robot, ma ben presto si trasformerà in qualcosa di più ambizioso: facilitare la vita delle persone cieche o ipovedenti.
Il primo prototipo del dispositivo permette solamente di leggere i testi, quello successivo invece è in grado di riconoscere gli oggetti, le strisce pedonali e le persone.
Si unisce al loro progetto anche Benedetta Magri, laureata in economia, che Li aiuta nell'analisi strategica del mercato e nella gestione dei costi.
il progetto parteciperà ad alcuni prestigiosi concorsi internazionali sulle nuove tecnologie ottenendo quasi sempre il primo premio, i cui ricavi verranno poi sempre re-investiti nel perfezionamento del dispositivo.
Oggi il prodotto non è ancora ultimato ma i due creatori stanno pensando di lanciarlo ufficialmente sul mercato nel 2016.
Click here for more: http://horus.technology/it/
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